About this tall person

I am six foot, nine inches (two meters and seven centimeters if you are not American). That makes me tall. Being tall means being a public person. No, I am not famous, but people like to let me know that I am tall and love to ask ridiculous questions and make equally ridiculous comments about my height. Most of the time I don’t care and some times these interactions are funny, that is why I created this blog.

Someone, after asking me how tall I was and if I played basketball asked me if I got the questions/comments a lot. The answer to that it “everyday I leave the house.” Of course it depends where I am and what I am doing, but I can guarantee you that if I leave my house and go to a public place the chances of someone who I do not know approaching me to talk about my height is over 80 percent (I tried to develop a framework for a social study about this phenomenon, but it is methodologically impossible to account for all the variables in place). So the number (80 percent) is made up, but I do get it a lot. Sometimes it is a “you make me feel short” comment (a classic comment). Most times people say that, they are actually short, so I really don’t understand it. Sometimes it is just the question “how tall are you?” followed by awkward silence since there is really nothing else to talk about. Other times things get interesting and I hear some crazy, elaborate, questions and comments about my height. The crazier the better, I love hearing “new” ways people come up with to let me know what I have known since 1995, that I am an above average human being (in the height department).

So this blog is the place where I tell some of these stories. I don’t have time to report every single event, since it happens almost every day. That is why I use this venue to report on the most outrageous ones, and to report on the times I decide being a smart ass will make my day brighter. Being tall is fun but it can also be a hassle sometimes. So I also use this blog to philosophize on the tall life. I hope you enjoy.

4 thoughts on “About this tall person

  1. Hi.
    I m a french guy living in Japan and I m 6.6″ so I totally understood what you are talking about.
    People always ask me how tall I am (several times a day) and some over come near me to compare there eight with mine.
    Sometimes I really want to kick their ass but I try to be more educate than then and keep walking.
    Thank you for your very interesting blog.
    PS: sorry for my english but I m french.

    1. I completely understand, I am 6′ 9″ tall and my first duty station as a US Marine was mainland Japan, it’s a totally different world over there if your tall!

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